it is a great irony that the mainstream narrative's reactionary response to this sort of thing is inherently conservative, as it seeks to protect the regression to the mean of the status quo; acknowledging a problem would require accepting a course correction, which is a no-go
RT @micsolana
and so begins our formal transition from “wondering if the virus came from a lab is bad” to “caring if the virus came from a lab is bad”

there is a Correct Path Which All Normal People Know, and then there are inconveniences which would distract us from it

the job of the media is to manufacture reasons why it's okay to ignore them, because Actually, They Don't Matter

this is the dark brunchpill of progressivism

it tells you that It's Ok to just accept what you hear from the media and party leadership as gospel and not think it through yourself, because Progress Is Being Made, and We're On The Right Side of History

and as such, there is no imperative for you to pay too much attention


when presented w/ narrative-breaking information like a potential lab-leak, this complacency is challenged, & the people need to be reassured that Actually, It's Fine, and that they can just continue business as usual, because Progress Is Being Made

& really, I can't fault them

most people have no idea what to do with information like this! are they supposed to boycott China? buy a hazmat suit? retrofit their house into a BSL-4 environment?

its just too abstract for them to really deal with, without a concrete action presented, like voting for someone

unless the info is presented w/ an actionable component, such as "& therefore you should vote for Technocrat Centrist Man for your Senator", the media will gradually launder narrative-busting information into the fold of Normal and Fine

and, as usual, it will be just us weirdos

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