this strongly resonates for me, as my life path has been one of desperately trying to break free from the ties which bound me, only to realize, as I succeeded, how important it was for this to be difficult to do
the default path should be the same one
RT @eigenrobot
I hate this conclusion because my fondest desire is for everyone to fuck off and leave other people alone
but a very large number of people are not up to the task of …
I've never really abandoned my libertarian persuasions, but have been forced to temper & qualify them w/ piles of conditions & edge cases, as I encountered cases such as the QT
I still believe in liberty as foundational, but we owe more to each other
RT @pee_zombie
growing up I was the prototypical Randian libertarian, albeit w/ a more prosocial bent than many of that ilk; but over time, I "learned" & got a bit woke. nothing too c…
the best constraints are stepwise in nature, rather than binary; there are very few questions where the right answer is to categorically ban something
high guardrails encourage regression to the mean; should one desire something else strongly enough, they'll break through anyway