therein lies the rub; not for my whole life, but only until I manage to jailbreak my corporeal confinement, to rehome into the digital realm, perhaps download into a new synthetic body one day. but this one won't allow me to live the way I wish I could.
RT @pee_zombie
at the peaks of my frustration I seem to vibrate within my skin, my spirit yearning to break free and transcend the mortal coil, to rehome into a digital body like a …
more people than would admit it to themselves are, in fact, bioessentialist luddites; it's not necessarily wrong to think this way, either. I can totally understand the impulse! but it ignores the realities of life for those whose mortal form is... flawed
RT @pee_zombie
there is a type of bioessentialist luddite which resists any sort of cyborgization, ie integration of tools into the extended self; they push for a sort of RETVRN o…
many people already hold some milder form of these beliefs; most would agree that glasses, hearing aids, prosthetic limbs, pacemakers etc, are all net positive; the rest is but a matter of degree! what real difference is there btwn those, and Neuralink?
RT @pee_zombie
this often escapes notice, that glasses are a cyborg enhancement of the body; using technology to transcend the limitations of our genetic heritage, to become more t…
the future holds much for our civilization, both in terms of beauty & suffering; you can't have one w/o the other, no matter how hard you try. what we can do tho, is to change the exchange rate w/ technology, requiring less pain to unlock more happiness.
RT @pee_zombie
we'll need to exponentiate our capabilities many times to overcome the challenges before us, reinvent who we are and how we live, down to our very core, until we bar…
personally, I don't intend on having my existence be constrained by the natural limits of my fragile meat mecha; I've got too much to learn, too many projects to execute, too many questions to ponder, too much art to create.
I'm planning on showing up to the future; are you?