a singularity is a period of time during which the world's second derivative experiences an inflection point, making it effectively impossible to predict the future using cached heuristics learned from the past
if the rate of change of the rate of change is changing, ur in one
RT @sama
Don't think there have ever been more simultaneous technological revolutions going on than right now.
also important to mention is that singularities aren't necessarily global nor time-displaced; it's entirely possible for several to be occurring simultaneously in various subsets of the world
consider the simultaneous distinct revolutions occurring in fintech & synthetic biology
oh and credit is due to @robinhanson for getting me to think about this idea in a much more useful way than any I'd heard previously
one might also define "the singularity" in a higher-level way, by examining the historical rate of singularity occurrence across some class of system and quantifying the rate of change thereof in the same way as previously described
a singularity is made of smaller singularities