healthcare will be broken until doctors view themselves in solidarity with plumbers instead of in solidarity with lawyers

oh is it a money thing? compare the median salary of a family physician to what a good contractor can earn. both are basically apprenticed vocations. classically the only difference between a plumber and a physician is that the latter is a “learned vocation”, entailing some degree of humanism and philosophy. given that the current crop of doctors is virtually illiterate, that playing field has also been levelled

this slow creep of professional-managerialism into the profession has basically eliminated indpendent practice, visiting doctors, compassionate end-of-life care. they still exist, most are just priced out of it. the true dignity of medicine, being a pillar of a community and having autonomy over care, has been supplanted with the hollow internal logic of capital

i don't think doctors are responsible for the current system's brokenness, but i do think they are disempowered to do anything about it without some worker solidarity. not even necessarily marx-style, i'm talking guild-style pride

@pujz from a worker’s rights perspective it’s absolutely insane, the current regiment of american medical training was created by a man who was literally such a hardcore coke addict that even when he tried switching to morphine to save his career he could never completely quit the snow sports, and that’s why residents are expected to be on call 24+ hours at a time

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