the first time the olam/עלם relationship was explained to me i knew they Get It

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there are strong distinctions between the two which i have discussed heatedly with friends late at night many times. but at least i can disagree with someone who is talking my language

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all of my favourite western philosophers are outsider jewish and i think this is because their thinking is grounded in צמצום which intuitively maps to my understanding of पुरुष binding to प्रकृति

shamefully going to cross post this bc it’s funny

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it is dawn, yet the sun already singes the sand. it seems to smoke angrily, perhaps just a trick of the shimmering air. there is a thick quietness, save for the gentle sigh of the land as horned lizards burrow into it, drunk on heat. i sip my tea, and think to myself (in fluent darija) how nice it would be in a small garden awash with temperate breeze, looking into an enchanted slab of glass containing conversant phantoms of my friends, on a phantom-container named after an extinct elephant

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gm everyone. enjoying some morrocan green mint tea to start the day. i am imagining i am a merchant of date wine, making the long trek to baghdad with only the thin saharan horizon as my compass, with only my faithful camel raoul for company

latter is obviously more economically sound but who cares

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should i incubate further in education or be cleansed through meaningful labour

something deeply perverse to me about hacking together a worldview as a means towards action/discipline/other goal-oriented thing. i would much rather grow a worldview based on experience and faith, and allow whatever doing or non-doing that results to happen

it was chapter 14. of all the transcendentalists, i think steinbeck really Got It the most

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there is a passage in (i think) chapter 11 of the grapes of wrath that talks about emergence on the next layer of abstraction, which i like even more. i’ll try and find it

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a particularly spicy tweet i would like to share with you all

there’s a lot to be said for slow and mindful movement but some one the most embodying activities i do is lifting weights while listening to absolutely terrible/amazing drum and bass

trying my absolute best to not turn my website into a static blog before finals

i don't think doctors are responsible for the current system's brokenness, but i do think they are disempowered to do anything about it without some worker solidarity. not even necessarily marx-style, i'm talking guild-style pride

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this slow creep of professional-managerialism into the profession has basically eliminated indpendent practice, visiting doctors, compassionate end-of-life care. they still exist, most are just priced out of it. the true dignity of medicine, being a pillar of a community and having autonomy over care, has been supplanted with the hollow internal logic of capital

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oh is it a money thing? compare the median salary of a family physician to what a good contractor can earn. both are basically apprenticed vocations. classically the only difference between a plumber and a physician is that the latter is a “learned vocation”, entailing some degree of humanism and philosophy. given that the current crop of doctors is virtually illiterate, that playing field has also been levelled

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a Schelling point for those who seek one