
I think this vibe hurts me.

Not in a "I am depressed/enraged" kind of way, it kind of just makes me give up(?)

I see no sense in things, I want to lie down or go outside and break promises, I don't want to get up and do things, I don't want to build a reputation—*if* I am in the vibe described therein

The facial expression in the image is on point


@niplav Every fiber of my being at every moment of time rejects the give-up mood on Kino's face, but I can empathise with the possibility. I'm not doing this out of self-sacrifice or duty, however—going all in is a much better adventure regardless! It's not hopeless.

Partly posted because it's Kino, whom I used to identify with a lot (back in my anime days), due to the never-settling/always-travelling aspect.

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