@gordon Thought provoking -- I think things two or more steps into the adjacent possible might be pure speculation or science fiction

I will always be surprised at how hard the world pushes you to keep doing things you were successful at in the past.

@WomanCorn yeah -- this is one of those cases where doubling the number of clicks introduces a shocking amount of friction!

Related: is there any way to see someone on another server's older tweets without going to that server? (Like a plugin that pulls them and populates the field or something?)

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@mauforonda excellent! thank you -- this is the tool I needed

(Alas that there's no native way to do it)

On Mastodon, is there any way around the fact that you can't see all of the people who someone on another server follows?

One of the ways I've found to build up who to follow on a new social network is to look at who people I respect follow, but that seems like a giant pain here?


a Schelling point for those who seek one