Update to reading glasses experiment (schelling.pt/@Connor/105560944). For four days I've been going without my contact lenses (-1.25 diopters) and wearing +2.75 reading glasses almost constantly, including for distance vision (except for watching TV). Theoretically, this means I can't focus perfectly on anything more than 1/(1.25 D + 2.75 D) = 25 cm from my face. I also go on frequent outdoor walks where I try to focus on distant sharp-edged objects as best as I can through the reading glasses.


When I'm reading or using a computer, I also try to keep my eyes just far enough back that focus is slightly difficult (though this has been a habit for a bit).

Results so far are promising. I've checked my binocular vision with a vision chart every morning in a bright room. I've gone from struggling over the 20/50 line to getting most of a 20/40 and 20/32 lines this morning. I can also look at objects a meter away without blur, suggesting my myopia is down to 1 diopter.

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