@WomanCorn Or you can have arbitration procedures for if a resolution firm doesn't resolve the market the way expected, like how we have arbitration procedures for medical malpractice.

@WomanCorn Like, it seems likely to me if you just make a prediction market, and tell people to sell the stock when they think the event specified is less likely, and buy it when they think its more likely, this produces a consensus around what others are going to do, and still lets the stock be coupled to the resolution criteria without needing an authority to resolve anything themselves.

@WomanCorn I like thinking about mechanisms which don't require an authority's resolution, or allow for easily-viewable observables which in theory everyone should have access to.

@WomanCorn Gradient descent and backpropogation are good examples. Prior to them, we were just sampling vectors.

Similarly, lots of stuff in linear algebra liibraries. In particular, stuff which allows you to find things like eigendecompositions, singular values, and other features of linear maps without ever explicitly representing the matrix in its entirety. See the use-cases of Scipy's linear operator.

@deepfates Yes, you need to at the full account name of the people you'd like to talk to in the starting message.

Nominative determinism: Robert Fortune was a Scotish botinist hired by the British to infiltrate China's tea industry, and reveal to the British their secrets. This was a primary (the primary?) export of china at the time, constituting their fortune. Thus, he robbed china's fortune.


a Schelling point for those who seek one