there are too many apps. not every website needs to be an app

Is it me or has the internet just gotten worse over the past ~10 years? More bots, more scammers, more people just trying to sell you something. Were there any positive changes? Perhaps for women, gays, trans ppl, ethnic minorities? Maybe AI?

@TetraspaceGrouping For me twitter retweets are still green and likes still red. You're in the wrong A/B test, maybe? Maybe Elon has it out for you, but just doesn't want to ban you ;|

@TetraspaceGrouping Hopefully we'll still have enough agency after the AI takeover to tweak the system to take into account people (and animals) who are ignored today.

@TetraspaceGrouping That line of reasoning doesn't look too faulty. AI will likely have enormous influence on the world, so wanting an AI policy that a broad swath of the public endorses is pretty important so that important opinions aren't ignored.

I do agree preventing everyone from dying is more important than everyone having a say in how they're not gonna get mass murdered.

Sorry for the weird post. Just getting a hang on the Moa cross poster.

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Hi people,
I'm Selon. I used to be smart a decade or so ago. Now not so much, so I just hold on, chill a little and try to deal with my issues. Maybe it'll come back someday.

I occasionally write poems and do art.
That's it for my

🧣:What about the demon in the blue shirt?
🧣:Are we now gonna ban everyone from wearing blue?
🧣*Totally not scared I might have some utilitarian tendencies... perhaps***

People switching to mastodon reminds me of the period when people were using bots to post their tweets on Facebook.
Back then it took me a long a** time to get on board with the trend and join in. Now it feels like I'm not that late to the party.

@TetraspaceGrouping I just followed a link you once posted on the bird site and went to


a Schelling point for those who seek one