@StevenFan Depends on what you mean by 'met.' Also depends on if you count communing with God in the Eucharist. Never any physical apparition outside of the one that happens in churches all the time, no. Did meet my guardian angel in a dream once.


@profoundish I had an experience that could only fit in categories of merger with a super being, prophetic vision, ... just beyond words. I have a longer piece I jotted down in the wee hours of the morning after I left the state though that goes into it a bit.

what was the guardian angle experience like?

@profoundish asking because I'm trying to get any sort of handle on it. never heard anything like this described except probably in breakthrough meo dmt trips, but not even then

@StevenFan Oh I've had an experience that sounds like it'd fit the bill, a sort of psychotic-break-cum-awakening-event. I got a lot of good (personal, not universal) 'gnosis,' stuff I'm still processing a few years later. The GA dream was much, much tamer. She was just there, a fellow-character in a dream, my classmate; but I knew she was also, outside the dream, my GA. She spoke without a voice but I still 'heard' words, I've never quite had another experience like that in a dream. Calm smile.

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