Wonder what the deontological yearly animal offsets are

UK per capita meat consumption is 32 kg poultry, 25 kg pork, 18 kg beef, 4 kg mutton, 1 kg other land animals (ourworldindata.org/grapher/per), 20 kg fish (ourworldindata.org/grapher/fis), for a total of 32*-40 + 25*-30 + 18*2 + ~5*-20(?) + ~20*-100(?) = ~4000 welfare points (forum.effectivealtruism.org/po) per year, ~5000 per non-vegan adult.

1 chicken life = 2 kg chicken = -80 welfare points, so saving 60 chickens offsets this. £60/yr to ACE top charities?

Modulo how offsets might not be a good idea because either way you get a higher consequentialist score for just doing whatever's best anyway [I did not count my climate offsets for this year against my consequentialist 10% for this reason] and animal offsets are even less pan-ethical than eg climate offsets because carbon is fungible and animal lives might not be

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