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Save our Ship EVA suits allow for indefinite survival in the cryochamber, so I can finally get some real construction going on

twig; twig spoilers /

this is what it said on the booklet after i got my vaccine

"a cosmos that can be made programmable, including being able to replicate other cosmoses and cosmos cohorts"

"spinning, rings upon rings and spheres upon spheres, intersecting and within each other, burning antimatter forges suspended in the sky, expeditions to the teliverse, fog, FOG, trees and trees, the Matrioshka, matter optimised for human flourishing finally, (1/2)

"Replacing traditional wood-burning stoves in sub-Saharan Africa with cleaner technology could offset carbon emissions – if people would use them. A Duke team is addressing obstacles that prevent people from changing their practices."

going to stop "the elemental plane of ontology" at 100 iterations because it's impossible to beat a kayak in a hurricane

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a Schelling point for those who seek one