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2026 everyone says "kill" as a hard-to-autoblock euphemism for "unalive in minecraft"

"kink at pride will make homophobes mad" and?
"symmetrical CPAC stages will make nazis mad" and?
"talking about lab leak will make sinophobes mad" and?
"talking about abolishing police will make bootlickers mad" and?
"talking about palestine will make antisemites mad" and?

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i propose total cluelessness over second and higher order effects of speech because fuck that shit

remember back in the day when everyone said trans* for a bit ? good times

okay we have a brief window to pill the daily wire guys on effective altruism how to proceed

oh no my hd laptop screen just looks normal now and non-hd screens look small

jeff bezos probably wont see your tweet complaining about him b/c internet arguments about billionaires are for internet fun instead of personally appealing to the involved billionaires

rip to the bing software engineers who found out about this after hours on a friday

only the exact query "tank man" seems to show no results so no 5g corona shenanigans this time around

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a Schelling point for those who seek one