I got a hotel room and a very unhelpful person who wouldn't grasp simple concepts like "I don't know whether moolins can be converted into ¢ but I only have moolins and all the products seem denominated in ¢ can you help me out here"
I was dream-skewered into a member of the Collective, which was kind of like the Galactic Federation from Rick and Morty. It quickly became clear that I was not from around there, and actually was born around 1 AV in their calendar system.
(Also this justified why the procedures were so bureaucratic in the plot - the only reason I, an inexperienced Librarian, knew about the erasure of hypermatter was because the filing procedures called for the use of it, and I was somehow unable to comply with them)
I said to my dream-coworker “oh god, I won’t even remember hypermatter.”
In memory of hypermatter, which never existed 🥂
@icedquinn this sounds awesome where do i sign up for the "early access" version that ends up being the only part released
what if we're living in the homomorphically encrypted world and what we call "Homomorphic Encryption" is actually restoring programs to their true forms
Moved to @TetraspaceGrouping