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- you are the best at everything
- you are universally loved

ordering pickles for people who asked for no pickles so they remove the pickles they receive and give them to me (pickle lover)

okay another of my rimworlds has perished of the dreaded malaria so i'm down to 2

cant wait to get raided or something : )

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sad indie rpg got me acting unwise (writing my first proper fanfic)

so called free thinkers when kel knocks on their door

not sure who needs to hear this but i'm more powerful than you

SIA+Solomonoff prior = you’re in a very unlikely world with a box that repeats your mindstate X times that someone entered 3^^^3 into

SIA+Solomoff prior = you’re in a very unlikely world with a box that repeats your mindstate X times that someone entered 3^^^3 into

thesis: Cthulhu always swims left
antithesis: Ratchet Theory
synthesis: they’re both standing on opposite sides of Cthulhu

oh hey new design

do you have this or am i on the good end of an A/B test

i do not have statistically significant psychic powers (p>0.15 for the hypothesis i can telekinetically make it land on a 6)

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a Schelling point for those who seek one