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...because if you trace the supply line the only possible places it could be different between people are there, there and there in ways A, B, C". I've never read an economics textbook so I don't know if that's possible or what specifically that would look like

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The post feels very ad-hoc, though, and that rears its head at the end where after the fact Yudkowsky thinks of two additional things. I was expecting a punchline that was like "and anything else you could name is secretly one of the things you've already named...

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And all that they can ask is
"Why is so much made kid?"

that’s what the trade is
that’s what the point of the trade is

the nobles' doctors in twig have nothing on the medics in my rimworld base

Not even keanu reeves:
not even big chungus:
OP: It's free real estate
OP: Hello there!
Girls on 4chan:
Boys on 4chan:
Redditor makes thread
Sir this is a wendy's
Everybody liked that.

bro that's a really epic wojak pfp. i'm afraid this channel is for discussing steven universe though, so i'm going to have to ask you to take your anti white hate crime article and discuss it elsewhere

everything I believe in addition to being justified rationally from first principles is intuitive system 1 Lindy wisdom

unsophisticated sneerclubbers, everyone knows that Roko Basilisk is just a symbolic metaphor for the relationship we form with our approach to the world

I of course supported Isabel Fall the entire time. However, my friend Vinnie here… [takes drag of cigar and gestures to very buff guy wearing suit standing in shadows] heh, let’s just say he’s understandably defensive living in a world hostile to trans women. Now move along!

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a Schelling point for those who seek one