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coinbase pivots away from cryptocurrencies, which have acquired a bad rap as being for drugs and crime, to try to attract more investors

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early amazon investor thinks that seeing all those packages going around might be bad PR; maybe they should base themselves in a physical store?

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early google investor hopeful about google's business model but wants them to kick that "web search" boondoggle into touch

1521: Holy Roman Empire "Diet of Worms"

2021: Bill Gates Millenium Project "Diet of Worms"!

the more things change, the more things stay the asme ...

kirby: poyo
the lord of space and time, whose true name can not be uttered:
kirby: poyo *pulls out gun*
scroll through timeline

spinster drama

back to starbound for me :blobcatgamer:

:meow: comes closer
:meow: even closer
:meow: only a tiny bit closer
:meow: looks at you
:meowmlem: mlems your cheek
:meow: runs away

re: military stuff, what happens when you talk badly about boston dynamics on twitter 

according to some wojack pfp dude i'm incredibly stupid and scientifically illiterate because robot soldiers don't actually currently exist, so it's not possible that this military company would be working on that!

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(.epub reader in the sense of Windows or iOS software or browser extension or the like)

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Does anyone know of an epub reader that doesn't suck? My best solution so far is converting the .epub to a .pdf and reading it in the browser, but I would prefer not to do something so mildly inconvenient.

Smartphones and smartphone apps are bad for your mental health. And it's rude to expose your friends to services run by organizations like Google and Apple for this reason and many others.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one