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coq is great. its all the ease and permissiveness of haskell, but you also have to persuade the compiler that your code terminates and the compiler is not very smart

advent of code spoilers 

my solution for part 1 also worked exactly as-is for part 2, which was nice

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Magical girl whose power is to lower the resolution of reality. In their radius, terrain acts as completely flat, you're either holding a weapon or not, etc. At touch range you're in turn based combat with a limited action set and a health/mana bar. Finisher move traps things in zero dimensions. Wish was to "know/understand everything"; power makes reality meet them halfway.

*at a party voice* Yeah, so I've got this comic that's hosted on MSPFA

you've heard of space heaters now get ready for

time heater

guy who hears all per thoughts as coming from an external source and when per tries to explain this to other people they assume it's just a metaphor and likewise when other people explain how they are the source of their own thoughts per assumes this is jut a metaphor for how the voice of god is derived from their own experiences

i think the anatomical heart emoji is severely underused

me: ok i wish to uh maximise the total time-discounted uh actually no discounting just total uh impartial long-run welfare of uh sentient life in the light... cone... wait, is FTL possible, okay in the cosmos, which includes like... everything, hang on, wait, no- moral uncertainty, this might be bad in some unanticipated way- okay i wish to maximise utility. there. maximise utility.

kyubey: :3 you're hired

me: like, as a magical girl? cool. so like does the wish-

kyubey: :3 welcome, incubator

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a Schelling point for those who seek one