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reverse isekai where someone from the 21st century gets put into a boring old asteroid mining job

*wakes up in a cold sweat at 2:30* psycholonials RTS spin off game

me: i will not compete for the artificially scarce positional good

me @ duolingo leaderboards: so true!

I dream of a guide autogenerated from prediction markets where you can input the weight or select a premade list and it tells you who is predicted to be best to vote for though I think if the issues are selected wrong it might end up just capturing random market fluctuations on the most important listed issue or something

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hm one sorta issue with conditional policy is that like unemployment will change by 50,000 ± 100,000 and each state legislator is responsible for like 0.1% of that or something so noise noise noise

the standard method of quietly disapproving of people doing social tension so they feel uncool SIMPLY EXACERBATES THE ISSUE 😭😡😭😡

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man what is the deal with social tension and how do I just not that

17 squares is cosmic horror. it's older than the universe and it exists outside of anything that humans could ever touch; we could conquer the stars, death, even time, but the 17 squares are Necessary. from its throne high in the Platonic realm it looks down on you with seventeen malevolent eyes.

tulpamancer (wizard who summons tulpae for use in combat)

reply with a character and i will tell you if they are an aoife

guy who has 17 tungsten cubes and wants to store them as efficiently as possible

oh that's a nice square with 16 smaller squares inside it. mind if you add my square too

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a Schelling point for those who seek one