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why am I changing my profile picture? well it’s simple. so you do too, and then I won’t be able to distinguish any of you, nor will I be able to distinguish you from me, and we will meld together into one great Checkmark, an end to individuality and suffering

unfriendly AI who through a shrewd sequence of trades is able to exchange a worthless house for a single paperclip

omega offers you two boxes one contains $1,000,000 the other contains $50/mo in passive income

what I’m saying is defect against your grandkids by pulling up the Bitcoin ladder behind you

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plans for building wealth that rely on one thing that increases in value forever due to supply limits work for at most one generation

cummings writes about johnson’s opinions on hancock who names these characters

had a horrible dream about making a suboptimal Metaculus question that didn’t measure the metric I was interested in -and- crowded out similar, better questions 😨

Im going to start with the gameplay it is html so you are limited to pressing buttons but there is still a substantial amount of gameplay

limited to pressing buttons

pressing buttons

that’s all video gaming is :blobcathyper2:

like this tweet to be the best at everything and universally loved

scroll to be the best at everything and universally loved

i'm thinking about how good of a ship sunny/aubrey/kel/basil is

hey, hey Lois
hey Lois
Lois flip the pickle
hey Lois the pickle
Lois flip the pickle
hey, hey Lois
turn the pickle over

I turned myself into a pickle Lois
I’m pickle Griffin ehehhehe

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a Schelling point for those who seek one