Is _that guy_ a cult leader?

This can be evaluated with two relatively straightforward questions:

Who pays his wages?

Who sucks his cock?


If he's paid by someone who gets value for his work, he's probably normal.

the cult leader gets paid by his _followers_.

(If the followers make _donations_ to a charity that employs the cult leader, that still counts.)

If his girlfriend or boyfriend or wife or husband sucks his cock, he's probably normal.

If his _followers'_ girlfriends or boyfriends or wives or husbands suck his cock, get worried.

(If he preaches free love and they all suck his cock voluntarily, that still counts.)

Under this criteria, Rock Stars may count as cult leaders, and I'm okay with that.

If you are actually concerned about if you are in a cult, I recommend Advanced Bonewits’ Cult Danger Evaluation Frame or the “ABCDEF” (because evaluating these groups should be elementary.)

@scottalexander I guess if I'm gonna give it to Rock Stars, then Substack Writers have to get it too.

Congratulations on your promotion! 😂

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