Saving an offline server with... #irssi?

A little trick that I use to share stuff between my computers unexpectedly saved the day when I was away from the house to fix my connection.

This is post 2/3 of the #BringBackBlogs initiative, and 41 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge.

Yay for blogging! :D

Also, big, big news: I've finally fixed the broken images and links issue with my self-hosted blog with this update. Hooray! Sorry for the delay.

Not that it was anything really hard or complex, really. I just hadn't had the time to sit down and debug my sync script before... or just plain laziness, I dunno.

Feeds should also be back and up to date. Let me know if not!

Also, yay for temporary solutions that are so efficient for their effort cost that they trump properly thought-out definitive ones. Not that I think everyone should do that, but there's a certain charm to it...

@kzimmermann You could claim that the shell is a carefully engineered tool that’s proven to work for quick hacks that outlast most other solutions 🙂


@kzimmermann @ArneBab Larry Wall (creator of Perl) calls this "whipuptitude".

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