Saving an offline server with... #irssi?
A little trick that I use to share stuff between my computers unexpectedly saved the day when I was away from the house to fix my connection.
This is post 2/3 of the #BringBackBlogs initiative, and 41 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge.
Yay for blogging! :D
Also, big, big news: I've finally fixed the broken images and links issue with my self-hosted blog with this update. Hooray! Sorry for the delay.
Not that it was anything really hard or complex, really. I just hadn't had the time to sit down and debug my sync script before... or just plain laziness, I dunno.
Feeds should also be back and up to date. Let me know if not!
@kzimmermann You could claim that the shell is a carefully engineered tool that’s proven to work for quick hacks that outlast most other solutions 🙂
@kzimmermann @ArneBab Larry Wall (creator of Perl) calls this "whipuptitude".
@WomanCorn that’s a cool name :-) @kzimmermann