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@alexthecamel good old <technically yes, but probably not the way you mean.>

Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
And may the new year suck much less
Than the last three years combined

Sometimes I see a Tumblr post with a bunch of replies and it' just horrid so often.

I don't understand why people would surround themselves with that kind of negativity, _and I'm on Twitter._

For 2023, I'm making a media thread (this one) for anything I'm not livetweeting.

(Then we can all be distressed at how much time I waste on Twitter instead of reading books.)

1-2 posts per media. Micro-reviews.

Planning to post "Happy New Year" a couple hours early so people think I live in Iceland or something.

Okay, this was a questionable plan. I feel like just ate an entire loaf of bread.

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Dinner tonight is all the leftover biscuits that didn't get cooked for Christmas.

For a second time, Jeff gets the award for <only critic in the community to notice and condemn a rape joke.>

(The victim was male, of course.)

(And fictional, of course.)

In January of 2023 will you publish at least 3 posts to your blog or RSS feed? If so join Bring Back Blogging, an experiment to encourage blogging by listing the bloggers who participate and allowing readers to discover new content.

So far over 130 bloggers joined, including yours truly. I blog regularly, so it was a no brainer.

#blogging #rss

@counteractor @timbray @MattHodges @jpanzer @ben

When the "feedback" consisted of 9:1 rudeness:explanation, well, people might just take away the wrong thing.

It's a bad communication strategy that doesn't actually protect the things they want to protect, but does give a short-term feeling of righteousness.

Today I learned that_The Complaint of Mîm the Dwarf_ exists, but has never been published in English.

Why the heck not?

A take so not-hot that it actually made me unfollow the person who boosted it.

Every day the New York Times tries to convince me to read an article in their app instead of on the web because it is “better in the app.”

I downloaded the app to see why it is better. It appears to be an embedded web view showing the same article. If anything, it loads slower.

Pushing people to native apps for things that the web is great at is so stupid.

:disputed: Official sources have determined this is a good thing?

@cstross no one I can see has mentioned Minecraft yet, so I'll do that.

(Travel in the nether dimension is 8x travel in the overworld. People regularly build transit tunnels through it to speed up long distance travel.)

2023 is going to be the year of the rabbit and my timeline is already full of bunny girls.

The greater Fediverse community is in store for a hard transition as the greater network transitions from “too small for anybody to care” to “financially worthwhile for professional disinfo trolls, spam farms, Grey-market adtech, and organized CSE groups.”

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@luckytran what do you think the percent chance is that someone copy/pasted an old template and this is unintentional?

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a Schelling point for those who seek one