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That Infinite Seinfeld thing doesn't know anything about Seinfeld.

Whenever they accidentally roll out new terms or a draft leaks:

Someone wrote that on purpose. Even if they didn't decide to activate it today, they were working on it.

It's #WerewolfWednesday, and I have a story I really wanna share:

In 1691 an 80-something Livonian man named Old Thiess was called to court as a witness in a theft case. As he was sworn in, another witness laughed: "How can he swear a holy oath when everyone knows he is a werewolf?"

The judges immediately forgot about the thief and put Old Thiess on trial. He calmly admitted that yes, indeed he was a werewolf.

#folklore #werewolves

_The Golden Khan of Ethengar_

Fantasy Mongolia. Unfortunately, the NPCs, adventures, and campaign outlined here require close integration with the highest corridors of power and there's not much else to do. This one falls pretty flat.

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@julesjacobs if they people saying it didn't then go on to ascribe programmer intent to everything ChatGPT says, that might be reassuring.

Instead, they're making themselves more wrong.

<AI is just a bunch of if-then statements> is the kind of stupid take that you have to have an above average IQ to fool yourself with.

@Moon @coin @p @mint IIRC, they couldn't call themselves "open source" because the official open source definition disallows this kind of discrimination.

I wonder how important that was at bringing it to a halt. (I expect it would have dried up naturally eventually.)

Screwtape has a normal one.

[User was turned into a centipede for this post.]

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Ugh, I've been POV-pilled and its an infohazard.

Thank goodness my exposure is rare.

I call on @POTUS to declare that the full-time work week is now 30 hours and that all weekends are three days by default.

Me: how would you have felt yesterday if you didn't eat breakfast?

Kid: I didn't eat breakfast yesterday.

Me: Okay, the nature of my concerns has radically shifted.

My stress has reached the reclusively useless level.

I'm so stressed that I'm spending all my time on being stressed and none on doing the things.

I like tea.

I do not like the smug implications that tea is somehow good for you. (But not in any kind of way that could actually be traced to health or medicine.)

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a Schelling point for those who seek one