_The Screwtape Letters_
Wonderful. Regardless of if you agree with Lewis on morality, Screwtape's method of distracting people from virtue with triviality and self-justification offers a real risk to your ability to succeed at making a good life.
(Oops, wrong pic.)
@zebrask Yeah.
I think there's _some_ value in not dangling low-hanging fruit for the media, but given that they're going to find _something_ to hit you with, it's not worth trying too hard.
"Hey, can you switch instances? Your admin favorited a joke that I didn't appreciate once. Might need to block you otherwise. Oh, and that crowdfunding platform you use? Back in 2006 they let an organization I don't personally align with use their platform. You should abandon that. Also, -"
Shhhh. Let people enjoy things. I am all for being socially conscious but we can't boycott everything. We are so tired. Please go outside.
@zebrask I think it's easier to make normies think they're bad by portraying them as a hotbed of sexual abuse than trying to critique their decision theory.
@zebrask Time magazine hit piece on EA, mostly focusing on sexual misconduct, mostly of the <become polyamorous, it's more rational than monogamy> pressure tactics.
The more your patient sees himself as superior to his fellow man, the sooner he will arrive in our Father's house. Social Media is just a new venue for this classic trap.
Your affectionate uncle Screwtape
Consider consulting with our algorithm department, who can make sure that he misses valuable updates from his family and friends in exchange for more politically enraging content. While their fees are high, they can be very effective if used judiciously.
Under no circumstance should you allow him to make friends on social media, or to maintain his relationships there. That would only lead to a growth of "Love" and "Charity" in your patient's heart, which would please the Enemy to no end.
Consider a collaboration with Dripslime, who manages your patient's aunt. The woman will be easily led into re-sharing vapid political memes, which will help keep your client focused on his distain for his enemies.
Keep your patient's attention focused on the excesses of those on the other side of the political fence. A steady diet of outrage will keep him focused on hating his fellow man and instill a sense of pride in his "superior morals", all the better to bring him under our control.
mastodon.art has blocked outerkosm.us for (officially, per their website):
Federates with the usual suspects
I don't know what this means, but I believe it's essentially a form of penalizing coercion tactic/justification used to leverage other instances into joining the sanctioning of whatever entities they believe deserve sanctioning. Expressed here: https://outerkosm.us/notes/9arsonzgmy_Sword Art Online the Movie: Progressive - Scherzo of Deep Night_
The modern Cyberpunk* series continues its cinematic rebuild. This one is at least not a retread of an existing episode. The risk blowing the timeline though.
's alright.
* Yes. Think about it
This is short notice (and brand new to us!) but we may be cut off as early as Feb 9th, as Twitter is switching to paid API access
We do have funds in OpenCollective, so will look at paid plans.
RT @TwitterDev
Starting February 9, we will no longer support free access to the Twitter API, both v2 and v1.1. A paid basic tier will be available instead 🧵
We’re running some numbers on the main instance.
8,198 registered accounts, of which ~6K have been active in the last 30 days.
387,281 tweets processed, and 50,582 toots, in the last 30 days.
People for whom cross posting really matters should be preparing to run your own instance & applying for paid Twitter API access.
We’ll work on an announcement to post at https://moaparty.com