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Eventually, there will be a successful business, but the right bet is always: not this one.

(This thread is not really about businesses.)

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Most businesses fail.

The right guess is that a promising new business will fail.

To make a better guess than that, you'd need to get into the details.

Of course, the people starting businesses know the most about the details and they're still overconfident.

@niplav I hear LLMs are the future of search, but somehow I doubt they will help with this case.

A substack is just a sparkling blog.

(Unless you are both famous and good enough that people will pay for your blog posts, I guess.)

Nerds: the government should use prediction markets to decide on policy.

Virginia: Hold my beer.

@AcausalRobotGod easy, I merely disbelieve that simulations are relevant. I am now:

* Immune to post-hoc blackmail
* Known to be immune
* Thus, not worth torturing
* Thus, the simulations will not exist

AI alignment (don't-kill-everyone flavor) has two really strong important points for people trapped thinking about _I, Robot_ or _Terminator_ as their model:

1. AI does not have to hate you to kill you.

2. AI does not have to have a mind to kill you.

My goal is for my feed to have enough variety that I become confused by every acronym.

When an AI says <following the rules is more important than your life>, that doesn't actually mean anything.

An AI that wanted to kill you would say something like <based on your Twitter posts, I can see why you don't have any friends.>

_Puss in Boots: The Last Wish_

A fun fractured fairy tale. The movie shifts animation styles during the fight scenes, which is an interesting choice.

I worry a little that no one is doing vanilla adaptations anymore.

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With the shift of narrator to Kanbaru, we find she is just as self-loathing as our usual narrator, and possibly also psychotic as well.

(The novels are somehow less entertaining than the anime adaptations. Sorry fans.)

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SURGEON: [lowers mask] I'm sorry, we were unable to separate the art from the artist
ME: is he
S: yes, he's still an asshole

cyclops: "who are you"
odysseus: "nobody"
cyclops: "oh that's great! listen, I need to access this secret in /etc that has 700 perms as nobody, can you do that for me"

Lots of good ideas in @jamesshore's article on testing:

"This pattern language... doesn’t use broad tests, doesn’t use mocks, doesn’t ignore infrastructure, and doesn’t require architectural changes."

<There's a secret argument which is convincing, but I promised not to tell it to you> is one of the worst things.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one