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Oh man, I can't wait until some leftwing b-lister is revealed to have a history of posting on 4chan. That'll be an exciting day.

the three types of people who will always be in business

those who man the horrors
those who made the horrors
those who comprehend the horrors

@phryk word on the street is that they just copied the Java Date class.

I've never had to go deep on Java's Date so I don't know. Is it bad in the same ways?

The new historical American Girl doll is from the 90s and makes zines so I'm going to go crumble into dust now.

Me, trying to explain the Ghostbusters anime genre to my son:

Eventually, there will be a successful business, but the right bet is always: not this one.

(This thread is not really about businesses.)

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Most businesses fail.

The right guess is that a promising new business will fail.

To make a better guess than that, you'd need to get into the details.

Of course, the people starting businesses know the most about the details and they're still overconfident.

@niplav I hear LLMs are the future of search, but somehow I doubt they will help with this case.

A substack is just a sparkling blog.

(Unless you are both famous and good enough that people will pay for your blog posts, I guess.)

Nerds: the government should use prediction markets to decide on policy.

Virginia: Hold my beer.

@AcausalRobotGod easy, I merely disbelieve that simulations are relevant. I am now:

* Immune to post-hoc blackmail
* Known to be immune
* Thus, not worth torturing
* Thus, the simulations will not exist

AI alignment (don't-kill-everyone flavor) has two really strong important points for people trapped thinking about _I, Robot_ or _Terminator_ as their model:

1. AI does not have to hate you to kill you.

2. AI does not have to have a mind to kill you.

My goal is for my feed to have enough variety that I become confused by every acronym.

When an AI says <following the rules is more important than your life>, that doesn't actually mean anything.

An AI that wanted to kill you would say something like <based on your Twitter posts, I can see why you don't have any friends.>

_Puss in Boots: The Last Wish_

A fun fractured fairy tale. The movie shifts animation styles during the fight scenes, which is an interesting choice.

I worry a little that no one is doing vanilla adaptations anymore.

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With the shift of narrator to Kanbaru, we find she is just as self-loathing as our usual narrator, and possibly also psychotic as well.

(The novels are somehow less entertaining than the anime adaptations. Sorry fans.)

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SURGEON: [lowers mask] I'm sorry, we were unable to separate the art from the artist
ME: is he
S: yes, he's still an asshole

cyclops: "who are you"
odysseus: "nobody"
cyclops: "oh that's great! listen, I need to access this secret in /etc that has 700 perms as nobody, can you do that for me"
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a Schelling point for those who seek one