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I hope that the fuming about inspires people to make improvements to the fediverse.

@RileyNorman @sc_griffith Oh, will they be hosting the processing? I hadn't heard that.

My understanding was that there was going to be a standard feed format and that algorithms would just produce that, but run on their own infrastructure.

@raccoon People who want to do that just fork Mastodon and don't federate. (Like Gab.)

Bluesky was announced as decentralized in the first place, because Jack wanted to get out of the business of moderation.

Now they might fail at that or pivot to something profitable, but I don't think it was fake to begin with.

@raccoon this seems like a bit of a stretch to me. If Bluesky wants to be able to hop between data centers, they don't have to sell the public on a protocol, they just build the sharding internally.

I think it makes more sense to treat it as a future wish. We might lose the bet if they pivot to serving their existing customers, but the scenario you've sketched with the datacenter hopping doesn't justify straight disbelief. (To me, anyway.)

@RileyNorman @sc_griffith isn't the whole point of the design to have pluggable moderation?

I don't understand where the idea that they would block popular open source moderation algorithms comes from.

With @moaparty shutting down their crossposter, I can now post absolutely unhinged takes on fedi without having to worry about them being mirrored to Twitter.

we have no moat, and neither does openai


drums in the deep learning

they are coming

Yes it’s true, we’ve taken down the main gateway.

Will put up a message on the website with more details today

nazis on Twitter, pics of nazi propaganda 

@sc_griffith Elon seems a bit credulous here.

Real <you need qBittorrent, none of the others can handle a torrent this large> vibes.

@cosmiccitizen that seems to be the best option.

The question will be how much can I do before I can no longer put 20% down and have to pay PMI, and how much before I burn my rainy day fund.

Now it's time to spend lots of money on inspectors and contractors and such.

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They accepted my offer.

I will soon be a homeowner again.

I think I've found a browser bug.

I at least have found a difference between Chrome and Firefox in how they handle container queries.

How can I figure out which one is right and file a bug for the other?

@lispegistus people are spinning doom scenarios that don't seem very plausible to me, primarily on the strength of <I don't like that guy.>

Seems like bad reasoning.

@xenophora I mean he's not making decisions or running the company or writing code or anything.

There's no opportunity for him to pivot to evil.

So I tried to add a private field to a class and the build broke because "Private fields in decorated classes are not supported yet", and I'm just like: what are we even doing?

I swear, the tools get in the way as often as they help.

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I've been doing work on web components, and I like the baseline feature.

But we're using a framework that puts decorators on everything, and that seems like a bunch of extra work for no real benefit.

@xenophora is he even involved anymore? He's basically just a funder at this point, IIUC.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one