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"Ladies and gentlemen."
- Tired
- Binary
- Exclusionary

"Gentles all!"
- Shakespearean
- Inclusive
- Hard to argue with

"Yo, fuckups!"
- Even more inclusive
- Attention-grabbing
- Far too accurate


> Me, somewhere in, apparently, the Marianas Trench

Clay Fighter? Lufia and the Fortress of Doom? Zork?

@be I would say that the most problems are caused by those on the edges; <technical only> and <everything is political>.

I suspect both are expressions of some underlying personality damage.

I shared this privately before, but I just got the okay to share it in public. The Bluegrass Archive is online with a website and everything. This is a MASSIVE trove of legal live #bluegrass recordings from earliest days right up to now, which you can download and listen to for free. It is one of the greatest achievements of the fan-driven #music archiving community I've ever seen. I contributed a small number of filesets out of the thousands here. #music

15 year old me (circa 1979) had NO IDEA where this was going to end up when he first invented the Githyanki for a D&D campaign then submitted them to Don Turnbull for the Fiend Factory column in White Dwarf (which begat the Fiend Folio, and the rest is history) ...

@siderea I think it's sometimes the case that I only see people's posts that have reached my instance. So if they only just showed up because someone on my instance followed them, I may only see a handful of posts even if they have a long history on their own server.

(Unless I'm misunderstanding.)

vexillophobes beware, i hate [your] politics 

Raised at last!

(I deem this the perfect flag for the Actual Libertarian Movement, composed of those of us disdaining both rightist sociofascism and leftist econofascism. And, increasingly these days, vice versa.)

programmers are always posting like "worked on tracking down an issue with a Flurble deployment for twelve hours. the problem wasn't in Flurble at all - it was in the Gumbies install. It turns out if you install Gumbies 3.0 over Gumbies 2.7 and don't do a cache flush on all the client spiders they'll get stuck in the crystal maze." then you look up Gumbies and the site is one of those scroll scroll scroll types with one sentence per page, like

"GUMBIES is a lean, expressive sharding sandcube for testing and deploying large scale Woodchips playgrounds.

GUMBIES automates and streamlines away watersliding phases, meaning your team can get right to the chipping.

See why Microsoft, OpenAI and Bloingo have embraced GUMBIES in their Woodchips workflows."

and you get to the bottom and you're like I want this I guess but I still don't know what it is

love how every invidious instance has started becoming really unreliable. it's only a matter of time before youtube "accidentally" deletes hundreds of thousands of hours of the least-profitable videos it currently hosts

I wasn't surprised to learn that someone proposed a unit for reciprocal of resistance to be called the 'mho' (ohm backwards).

I was suprised to see it proposed by Lord fucking Kelvin in 1883.

He even suggests to play 'ohm' backwards in a phonograph to work out how to pronounce it.

19th century physics shitposting.

@libraryoferis oh wow, what an excellent resource! Thank you for putting this together.

SunOS 4.1.4 says it can't possibly be the year 2023: "WARNING: preposterous time in filesystem -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE!"

sorry SunOS, there's nothing i can do to fix 2023.

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This is just a Tanks vs Trees remake.

That is, they trained on a data set of 75+% white people, so the AI accidentally learned that white features are part of the idea of headshots.

But because we do imagegen from the classifier now, we can see the issue in this way instead of having to discover that it doesn't classify photos of Asians as headshots.

My work is so dysfunctional, but it resolved in my favor this time, I guess.

Big layoffs, but they only considered full time employees, and I've been languishing in hourly for a while because they couldn't manage to convert me despite me clocking 40 hour weeks for years now.

Two wrongs... keep me employed, I guess.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one