There are so many birdsite refugees here and most of us story games and DND folks aren't used to sharing space anymore, so let's exercise a modicum of consideration by remembering that other styles of RPG _exist_ and _are valid_, even if they're not out cup of tea.
I genuinely don't understand what makes DND enjoyable. That doesn't make DND not a game, or an inferior game.
Similarly, there is a rich and vibrant history and community of story focused tabletop RPGs. We exist, and are valid.
From OG OGL architect Ryan Dancey:
"Yeah my public opinion is that Hasbro does not have the power to deauthorize a version of the OGL. If that had been a power that we wanted to reserve for Hasbro, we would have enumerated it in the license. I am on record numerous places in email and blogs and interviews saying that the license could never be revoked."
@alexthecamel too noisy, I'd guess. Attraction is idiosyncratic enough that it doesn't really tell you much. <Only dates blondes> is probably less common than <only dates cis women>, but neither should be straight disqualifying on its own. (Though it might imply they you should take a more thorough look before investing.)
(All IMO, etc.)
@moultano Inspired by the _Violet Evergarden_ movie (never mind all the work you've done to self-actualize, you should get back together with that guy who wasn't actually good for you) and _A Silent Voice_ (you could fall in love with a former bully who's sad about what he did.)
@panchromaticity is puff pastry close enough?