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Second: everyone wants to look good, and it's easier to talk the talk than to walk the walk.

So you get meme sharing, slogans, and slacktivism rather than real policy proposals. You get guaranteed to fail bills in The House to make Reps look like they're fighting.

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People don't support/oppose a $15 minimum wage because of economic reasons. They do so for tribal reasons.

People don't support/oppose gun control because of safety reasons. They do so for tribal reasons.

And so on, down the line.

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First: people are very tribal. Even in America, where most people don't know their ancestry, or it's very mixed, people line up with their political allies in a tribelike fashion.

And this means that most of their positions are based on their tribal affiliation.

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Two grey pills.

I'm not sure these are _black_ pills, but I think they are _facts_, and they're pretty dark. But you have to acknowledge them before you can start making a good model of people's behavior.

I can see the strings that puppet me, but I cannot prevent them from doing so.

Biden is dropping bombs on Syria again.

Nature is healing.

I heard there was a bad take, but I'm busy with other stuff.


Wow, so bad. I condemn/apologize for whoever said it in the most condescending manner I can muster.

So many people are asking: what's the cause?

But that's the wrong question.

The cause doesn't matter for this; you treat the people affected with respect and remember that everyone has sovereignty over themselves.

Languages with type systems designed for 1 are trying to figure out how to enable 2 without breaking backwards compatibility.

(Languages without a full runtime are in a very bad position here.)

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Now the controversial part.

1 is obsolete. Modern language runtimes can use internal typing, speculation, and side exits to automatically make the speed improvements with no loss of generality.

2 is still valuable.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one