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Might need to take a Twitter break.

Or trim my feed. Or something.

Armed deterrence is a move that can be made.

Understand that, and take into account that some people will chose to make that move.

You don't have to like it. But acting surprised by it means you don't know what's going on.

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There are, of course, risks. If coming armed becomes normal, we could have firefights in the street.

Right now, the balance seems to be that people mostly choose not to escalate. I don't know how long that will last.

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And one way to get those people to cool their jets is to publicly show that you have the ability to kill them if they go wild.

This is a strategy that works.

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I don't like it. I wish we could have peaceful protests without the cops going wild. I wish we could have peaceful protests without the clowns who want to freak out starting fires and robbing stores.

But humans are what they are, and those risks are there.

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Protests with armed people tend to keep the cops restrained, and they have significantly less injury and death.

The weapons serve as a deterrent. Because bullies think they can win in a melee, but they don't want to be killed, and their targets are showing that capacity.

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The Black Panthers knew this. That's why they went armed to patrol the police. (Then people who were afraid of the Black Panthers passed laws to stop that.)

Protests without armed people "turn violent", by which we really mean, cops go nuts and beat the shit out of people.

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Going Armed can prevent violence.

There are lots of bullies out there who will hurt you if they can get away with it. Some of them are official cops. Some of them are unaffiliated shitstains.

If you are armed, they will think twice about starting shit.

Almost everyone goes out to see the first sunrise of the year.

Rin is camping near the ocean and goes to see it from the beach. But a surprise snowstorm at home locks her out: her moped won't make it on the icy roads, and she's forced to extend her trip.

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What's a good naming convention for functions that wrap an enabling flag?

Like, it writes to the log, but only if logging is enabled.

writeLog obscures the conditional and writeLogIfEnabled seems excessive.

A lot of commentary on deleted tweets today.

Is it a full moon or something?

I want the admin to say <yeah, these suspected sockpuppets all come from the same IP>, but that will just encourage the troll to use a VPN.

He's clearly loony enough to do so, as evidenced by his sockpuppets.

I fave all their shitposts, but none of their lewds, because I want to incentivise good behavior.

I'm super lucky that I only have to manage my own behavior.

If I had to define policies, it would be terrible. I have sympathy for the difficulty of that task.

I'm pretty annoyed at people who think they can just talk their way to an inherently correct solution.

If you're sure he's innocent because he's a good guy with a gun, shut up.

If you're sure he's guilty because he's a bad guy with a gun, shut up.

Missionary: have you heard the good news?

Alice: Yes, I live in America, it's in the fucking water. Now go away, I'm busy. These Pokémon aren't going to catch themselves.

Epistemic status: trolling.

The justification for invading Afghanistan (their lawlessness is allowing violent groups that affect us) also justifies invading Mexico.


Me: hello.

They: Is <ex's name> there?

Me: This has never been their number. We divorced over a decade ago.

(Thinking: it's probably a bill collector.)

Me: I can give you their current number.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one