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That's the show.

So, what's my takeaway?

It's no surprise that people call this show cozy, because it is.

It's nearly devoid of conflict, with what little there is being easily resolved.

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Nadeshiko begins to worry as Rin runs late, and get a ride out to meet her on the edge of town.

Rin's return signals the actual end of the trip, but there will surely be another one soon enough.

~ The End ~

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The girls throw a fancy birthday celebration and watch the sun rise from the mountaintop the next morning.

Then, a side trip to watch capybaras bathe in a hot spring.

After that, Rin has to split off to take a moped-safe route home.

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TBF, a lot of pro-lifers aren't covering themselves in glory either.

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Damn, a lot of pro-choice people are beclowning themselves today.

What is the fastest thing in the universe that is not

* light
* dark energy/metric expansion
* initial velocity from the big bang

Most languages are written in other languages.

This means that the language Core Team spends more time writing in C than the language they're making.

Supreme Court rules that it's unfair to ask them to decide on controversial issues, sentences all presenting lawyers to death.

I'm occasionally tempted to track down exactly why I don't agree with Eliezer Yudkowsky about the likelihood of general AI, then I remember that no one cares and I don't want to spend the time on it either.

How do we say, <My bug tracker is not a field for you to stage the next battle in your culture war>?

Armed with a list of natural attractions to see, they make the most of the trip.

Until they find that the camp site they were aiming for is closed.

A replacement site is found and they get there super late. But still, good food and good sleep make for a good day.

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I'm buying him a copy of _The Republic_ for Christmas.

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Alice: buy me a legitimate license for this tool, please.

Eve: schedule a meeting to discuss it.

Alice: you will pay more for my wage for the meeting time than the license cost!

Eve: even so.

If you have a Fediverse account, tell me what it is here.

Mine is @WomanCorn

Everyone wants a micro-episode advertising the release of a new season that also goes meta, right?

To do:

Read more books; read less Twitter.

Watch more anime; watch less YouTube.

A new Zine featuring fun and radical culture jamming by terrible people you would be embarrassed to admit you know.

Just opening a space called <Be Racist Here> and letting it deteriorate.

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."

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a Schelling point for those who seek one