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Proposed resolution:

When Tumblr joins the fediverse by implementing ActivityPub, we should:
- Defederate Tumblr if they inject ads into the federation for our users, and
- Defederate Tumblr if they place federated posts (our posts) alongside ads.

No ads on fedi.

Edit: This is a PROPOSAL. The intent of this is not to dictate terms, but to encourage admins to develop and consider policy before the crisis happens.

#MastoAdmins #mastoadmin #meta

The Ad: AI means that you can just tell the computer what to do.

The Reality: bad art.

The cat gets out.

Mai accidentally gives Yuuko the cold shoulder because she has headphones in.

Yuuko tries to copy Mai's homework, but Mai keeps handing her comics instead.

Hakase adopts the cat and names him Sakamoto. She invents a scarf that lets him talk.

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When designing your game, you want some visual icons for important statistics. Hit points are easy (hearts) and attack and defense are sword and shield, respectively. Gold is simply symbolized by coins.

But what of Experience Points? You can't just use the letters XP. You need a visual, symbolic representation. And finally we have one:

A potato.

Watched Diet* Black Panther: Atlantis Forever

* now with 70% less Black Panther

If I had a nickel for every time I ordered a card game online and got the German version, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

You can tell the fediverse isn't going to go anywhere because a large number of instances are run by furries

and as you know

furries keep the internet alive

@klee it was my first time trying something as high-level as Go, I was impressed by how it can handle UTF-8 effortlessly. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to template<size_t sz> requires (1<=sz)&&(sz<=4) class CGrapheme { public: std::array<uint8_t,sz> Point;CGrapheme(char const* s) {for(int i=0;i<sz;i++)this->Point[i]=s[i];}/*there is more but idc*/};

Hearing strong indications that lawmakers will try to move the Kids Online Safety Act (#KOSA) during the "lame duck" session. This is a terrible bill that won't make kids safer online but will subject them to censorship and surveillance. It could lead to biometric age verification, widespread removal of LGBTQ+ content, and a bunch of other bad crap. Very few civil society groups have spoken out against it. We need #LGBTQ groups especially to sound the alarm. Plz help spread the word if you can

Had to convince Comcast that wasn't a malware site. Good times.

I’ve been practicing No vember, where for the whole month I simply don’t

Investigation showed that during the lost time he played several games of ranked Valorant (so he must have had some sensibility) and had a text chat with a friend.

During the text chat, he tried to get his friend to help him buy marijuana. Our boy does not smoke.

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Our boy is a night owl and often stays up late to play video games.

On this incident, he was watching TV on the couch, and the next thing he knew, he was sitting in a chair and it was several hours later.

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A few months ago he had a fainting spell... after getting something like 3 hours of sleep in 36 hours.

This served as a bit of a wakeup call, and he's being more careful about this, but is still regularly sleeping poorly.

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More details.

Our boy is a young man under the age of 20. He has a shoulder injury from sports, which is affecting his sleep. Basically, if he rolls wrong while sleeping, he will either wake up, or be knocked into a less restful keep pattern.

Assume he is sleep deprived.

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Does anyone know good resources for something that looks like dissociative amnesia?

I have a friend who lost time, like a blackout, but he wasn't drinking.

Web searches are basically worthless, because of the charismatic diseases of amnesia and multiple personality disorder.

Earn-to-give has problems, but pretty much no one has ever endorsed steal-to-give and pretending that they have seems like a pretty bad faith argument.

+ massive particle, can explain the missing matter in our universe
+ only interacts with the weak force, explaining why direct detection is difficult
+ explains the bullet cluster
+ combatible with most of the data
- doesn't explain the homogenous dark matter distribution observed in galactic cores
- predicts more massive dwarf galaxies than are observed
- theoretical origin unclear

+ doesn't require new physics, already contained in the standard model
+ can easily be verified by direct detection
+ free as in freedom
- doesn't explain rotational momentum of galaxies
- doesn't explain structure formation
- doesn't explain baryon acoustic oscillations in the CMB
- can only be found on Earth
- doesn't have a circle tool
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a Schelling point for those who seek one