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You are telling ME to touch grass?

You clearly don’t know who you’re taking to.

I can ID the 120 most common lawn grass varieties from tactile stimulus alone.

Now, unless you distinguish fine fescue from Kentucky blue while BLINDFOLDED, stop wasting my time.

Political commentators need to set a cap on the amount of time they spend talking about Donald Trump.

Let's say no more than 20% of their show's runtime.

Spring comes.

Yuuko tells terrible jokes. Mio and Mai ignore her.

The girls are trapped in a broken elevator.

Nano scolds Hikase for eating snacks before bed. The importance of good dental care is stressed.

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ChatGPT writes like a high schooler being taught how to write an essay.

<In conclusion, Europe is a land of contrasts.>

We learn the secret origin of Mio's hair ornaments.

Is love blooming in the teacher's lounge?

Mio's sister harasses Nano.

Nano and Hakase play baseball. Sakamoto coaches.

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Yuuko cooks. Mio is unimpressed.

The principal wrestles a deer.

Nano tries to deal with a trapped cockroach.

The girls go camping. Rustic cooking over an open fire is more difficult than it looks.

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This week, LastPass, and its parent company GoTo, both published blog posts about their recent data breach:

But if you search for GoTo's blog post in Google, you won't find it, because GoTo hid its breach notice from search engines using "noindex" code.

"all software has bugs 🤷" is the "boys will be boys 🤷" of the tech industry

conflicted with a new pattern i use a lot for most of my recent games, where almost everything is a finite state machine w conditional transitions between states

it produces SOO much code with a lot of repetition, but oh my god its so so so so easy to write, debug, maintain & change its like so pleasant and simple

I am extending my personal policy into my following decisions.

If you copy your Twitter posts to fedi, fine. If you copy your RTs and QTs, I don't want it.

I was googling to see if there's any discussion about incorporating ActivityPub into Ghost. But most of the results I got were about ghost activity in pubs.

Note that the LLM is not actually trying to flimflam you. It doesn't have that kind of interior planning.

But if you're going to anthropomorphise it, you should picture it as Don Draper crossed with Walter White.

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LLM AIs are basically always trying to flimflam you.

You should model them as pathological liars, who will tell you lies even when the truth would be more convincing.

The email says they will provide students and staff "the support they need to process this and other recent events."

I can only hope that this support takes the form of a course in statistical literacy and a warning against reading the news, but somehow I suspect it is just going to attempt to validate the narrative that it is right to think about extremely rare violence and to spend our precious life trying to reduce extremely small but salient risks. 🙁

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Most of the ChatGPT logs trying to turn it evil just reveal that LessWrong is part of its training set.

I'm willing to believe that Kanye shilling it will sell neo-nazi ideology 1000x what the previous leading salesmen did.

What will enter the #publicdomain in 2023? At the start of each year, on January 1st, a new crop of works enter the public domain and become free to enjoy, share, and reuse for any purpose. Each day through December we’ll open a new window in our advent-style calendar to reveal our highlights! By public domain day on January 1st they will all be unveiled.

(And for the impatient/curious we've also links to lists of the new entrants!)

Today, a Virginia Woolf classic...

leaving the fedi in favor of a beat up ass corkboard in the cafeteria where everyone leaves handwritten posts

So I'm seeing some... let's call it well-intentioned hacker contrarianism about Musk's now-aborted battle with Apple, and his proposed "amnesty" on the platform.

It runs something like this.

* Musk sucks as a spokesman, but Apple's monopoly is bad for tech and *should* be broken up.

* Most of the people who've been banned from Twitter are actually sex workers, leftists, Muslims, etc. and we should be happy Musk will liberate them.

Let's talk about ideological drift for a second.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one