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Unclear if I should unfollow people with stupid opinions on the latest fedi drama* or if it will pass and they'll go back to making good posts.

* writ generally, not just whatever it happens to be today.

Apple just announced that more iCloud storage services (including photos) can be fully encrypted. Thankfully does not appear to include the problematic client-side CSAM detection/snitching.

There's no better way to disguise the fact that you're a giant asshole than to have other giant assholes who are also total loons start a crusade to wreck you.

Guillermo Del Toro: You know what would really improve Pinocchio? Fascism.

/pol trads aren't real.

(Anyone spending time on 4chan isn't a traditionalist... yet.)

I don't think I've ever installed anything via Snap or Flatpack and had it actually work.

Everything really needed to interact with the actual file system or other installed software, and hence shipped broken.

Maybe it works for games?

@c0debabe @cwebber

(In the voice of Dracula from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)

"It was not by my hand that I am once again given feeds. I was brought here by humans who wish to pub me activity."

The recently agreed text of the Declaration of Digital Rights and Principles lacks clear definitions and overlooks existing good proposals.

It is incomprehensible that #FreeSoftware has been left out of such a benchmark text.

Me: I saw a post a few days ago. I know who it was from and what it was about. Can I see the post?

Mastodon search: haha no.

level 0: if it can be done with webtech, it should be done, and should be done with webtech

level 1: if a website needs to get browser permission to do something, then it's something that shouldn't be done by a website

level 2: if it requires the user to turn on javascript, then it shouldn't be done with a website

level 3: if it can't be done on stock w3m then it shouldn't be done on a website

level 4: it shouldn't be done on a website.

in the good timeline, GPT finally trains humanity to understand that someone who's eloquent is not therefore automatically trustworthy

Hot take:

As somebody who loves computer-generated bullshit,

LLMs are not better enough than Markov chains to justify the extra resource use or implementation difficulty, & are good for exactly the same set of tasks (generating plausible sounding bullshit from a curated corpus & generating autocomplete suggestions from a curated corpus)

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a Schelling point for those who seek one