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as rumors that gamefaqs will be shut down arise once again, reminder that a full backup was made last year

type of guy who reads every "type of guy" tweet thinking "ha, at least i'm not that guy"

(this tweet brought to you by gödel's incompleteness theorem)

techbros when they notice that the duck pond does not have a robots.txt

imo we're really good at the "in whole" piece of book piracy but not yet "and in part."

I wanna see people cutting up the most impactful parts of 5 books on a subject and sticking them together. adding an extra chapter in the middle that they think is missing. rewriting to make it about their favorite characters. different ending. updating technical books to give more modern advice, while keeping all the good stuff. crowdsourced links and comments added as marginalia throughout the book. recipes for every type of lasagna taken from 100 cookbooks, with shitty mpreg Garfield art added throughout. these things should feel alive.

Since (e: I am told that) Fandom apparently intends to remove text walkthroughs from GameFAQs (which Fandom now owns), a tip of the hat to Reddit user prograc, who scraped all of GameFAQs up through March 23, 2020; the full archive is available here:

Apple bad 

Inspecting it in Safari shows it as <a href="tel:555-0123456">555-0123456</a> but then wgetting it and looking at what I wgot down don't have that.

Why the heck is this happening. @smorkin help
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Eek, the #SourceHut hosted #SoftwareDevelopment site (think #GitHub but less evil) is blacklisting the #GoLang code mirroring proxy operated by #Google (the thing you hit when you run `go get`) because it’s DDoSing them.

Delta Green is out. Dropping the OGL altogether. #OGL "With hints that WOTC may attempt to revoke the OGL or impose more onerous terms in a new version, the OGL serves no useful purpose. We will remove that page—the text of the license—from our games."

The OGL 1.1 fracas is a mess, but the wort part is that the extremely sketchy idea that Wizards can de-authorize the older version of the license does damage to everyone using it just by being discussed, even if they back down.

"Tractor maker John Deere has agreed to give its US customers the right to fix their own equipment."

Finally! But this is just the beginning. We need the right to repair everything, everywhere!

#RightToRepair #JohnDeere @pluralistic

The *chan ideology is a slurry of gibberish designed to upset people. It's a troll.

If you see it and think this is the rise of The Far Right, you've been trolled.

(Same is you see the version that masquerades as woke left.)

Today, you can choose not to drive a Tesla if you don’t want Elon Musk, Inc. knowing everywhere you go.

Tomorrow, you might have to limit where you live because you won’t live in a Google Home and reconsider having 20/20 vision again in exchange for the artificial lens company seeing everything you see.

Privacy is not something you can “vote with your wallet” on. We either protect it as a human right or we lose it altogether.

#privacy #humanRights #BigTech #peopleFarming #capitalism

everybody always asks "what are the incentives?" nobody ever asks "how are the incentives?" 😭

Developers, PLEASE, for the love of all that is holy, don't disable pasting into password fields.

We all want to use more secure passwords, but if for some reason our password manager doesn't work with your site or app, having to 10-finger a long password is annoying.

Broke: western medieval artists were just bad at painting
Woke: western medieval artists purposefully stylized their art to help convey their message

(Bolts awake) “rat avatar” is a palindrome

Six malicious packages on PyPI, the Python Package Index, were found installing information-stealing and RAT (remote access trojan) malware while using Cloudflare Tunnel to bypass firewall restrictions for remote access.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one