Aaron Swartz died ten years ago today January 11, 2013. Let's all take a moment to remember him and all that he did. #RememberAaronSwartz
Paizo (publishers of Pathfinder) react to rumors of Wizards of the Coast moving from the existing Open Game License to a new, predatory license and attempting to somehow retroactively revoke the old license: https://paizo.com/community/blog
The punchline: Paizo previously used the OGL to release their original content because it was there; now they feel it is no longer trustworthy so they're making their own license.
The name: The Open RPG Creative License (ORC).
Waiting for the #TwitterFiles expose on #GamerGate.
The current OGL 1.1 fracas reminds me of this thread from The Forge: http://indie-rpgs.com/archive/index.php?topic=5109.0
They question if d20 supplements count as "indie" by their definition (Creator owned: Ip and publishing rights,) and conclude they are.
No one considered OGL revocation.
Last week, Gizmodo's Linda Codega caught a fantastic scoop - a leaked report of #Hasbro's plan to revoke the decades-old #OpenGamingLicense, which subsidiary #WizardsOfTheCoast promulgated as an allegedly #open sandbox for people seeking to extend, remix or improve #DungeonsAndDragons:
Long thread/11
Crucially, the deal is silent on whether Deere will supply the tools needed to activate VIN locks, meaning that farmers will still be at Deere's mercy when they effect their own repairs.
What's more, the deal itself *isn't legally binding*, and Deere can cancel it at any time. Once you dig past the headline, the Deere's Damascene conversion to repair advocacy starts to look awfully superficial - and deceptive.
@_ I'll be honest, when I see someone with the username @_, I have to ask if they're a Perl programmer.
Are you?