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mastodon is a consensual hallucination that converts json to shitposts and that’s really all you need to know about it.

subpost re: cw meta, race, mh- mention, suicide mention 

saw some purie (purity leftist) posting about deliberately refusing to CW because "it's important to make white people uncomfortable so they'll maybe change for the better"

So they want to try to force-feed people with stressful content just because some of the readers might be white people.

Also the implicit logic of "I'm the good marginalized victim and you're the inherently evil white person, so it's more important that you see my opinion than you having a comfortable social media experience" really rubs me the wrong way.

I'm mixed race black and also autistic. I know how much it sucks to read stressful content on a bad day, it can be the difference between coping or a suicide attempt.

I also know how much racism sucks, from personal experience. But being mean to "white people" (a.k.a. "I just assume everyone who disagrees with me is white") doesn't fix it. It probably just makes white people hate us even more. It might be shooting in the foot of the whole group they try to defend.

Sure, of course it's your right to not CW and be rude to white people. It's your free speech. We're just trying to tell you that the way you do it is a dick move.

I was worried that they would bring back the school bully for a later plot point, and I'm glad they didn't.

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They really make you want David to win, even though you know he can't.

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This is a very multicultural show. The setting was built in America, but the current owners and writers are Polish. The director is Japanese. We're really all over the map, but it works.

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They did a wonderful job of making all the characters engaging. The visuals and music were great. The story was well paced.

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That's the show.

So, what's my takeaway?

I joked at the beginning that _Ghost in the Shell_ had dropped the ball recently. _Cyberpunk 2020_(/2077/Edgerunners) has always been the pessimist to GITS Optimism, so it shouldn't come as any surprise that this was a tragedy.

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The final scene is Lucy on the moon for real. She sees David there with her, as he was when they shared the VR moon experience.

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In his last moments of lucidity, David tells Lucy that he wasn't able to fulfill his mother's dream, nor Maine's dream, but she can fulfill her dream.

Falco and Lucy escape, and David faces down Adam, and loses.

Cyberpunks always die or go psycho, so this is the good end.

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The crew assault Arasaka headquarters, who are forced to call out their final boogeyman, Adam Smasher.

David knows this is the end before he goes in. He's down to his final shot of stabilizers and there's no coming back.

David kills Faraday. Adam kills Rebecca.

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It's too late; the only way out is through.

Only automatic injections of neural stabilizers keep him from going psyco.

But once he's broken through the trap, he rallies his crew to rescue Lucy and get revenge on Faraday.

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The whole setup is to get David to install the cyberskeleton and use it to get his team out. Faraday uses Lucy's phone to fake being her and tell David to install it.

Lucy uses her monomolecular filament to escape just long enough to tell him it's a trap.

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Arasaka's been working on something called a cyberskeleton. They want David to test it, due to his high compatibility.

Lucky discovered this when she was diving Tanaka's brain. She's been taking out people in the know.

Faraday hires the crew for a job, but it's a trap.

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A lot of people contributed to ActivityPub, but I'm going to give a breakdown of the authors and what they did:

- Evan Prodromou designed the core prototol, derived from the federation API of Pump.IO (itself a "lessons learned" from his experiences co-authoring OStatus, ActivityPub's predecessor)
- @erincandescent converted Evan's set of notes into the spec format and language style
- @tsyesika was the first major editor of the spec once it was being standardized at the W3C
- @rhiaro separated out client-to-server support from server-to-server support and made many, many edits
- And I carried the spec through probably the majority of the bureaucratic process and tried really hard to get inter-project buy-in on its ideas. And most importantly, I wrote that "Overview" tutorial at the top of the document, which is the part I'm most proud of!

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What really makes the Vibes here a lot better is I don't see myself getting utterly bullshit replies from liberals that are some variation of "this, so much this" or other horseshit
God that shit fucking sucks

Plural systems / members of plural systems, do you prefer to use the terms "alter", "part", or "state" to identify yourselves, do you avoid those those terms, or are you ambivalent?

If comfortable, feel free to reply with your reasoning.

(singlets, boosts are okay)

"Nothing new needs producing and no e-waste needs processing. If your new software no longer runs on old hardware, it is worse than the old software. "

Decided to look at network stats again. There are 1M more people using #Mastodon today than there were on October 27.

fedi couple whose instances are in a feud with each other and they can only communicate from their alts. a modern day Romeo and Juliet

Waiting for the first Secretary of State to mount a sign that says "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion" in their office.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one