one of the main orders of business in the american state is laundering legitimacy.

increasingly we find every moral, ethic and standard to be hollowed out behind and stilted in apology for evil.

the only reason these programs continue is for making lies look like truth.
RT @RobertSkvarla
Still thinking about the fact that people believe MKULTRA was a "failure." It's interesting to embrace that perspective when our own military …


any straight-shot metric of power knows that such indecencies are not necessary for gaining or maintaining control.

but i guess the third reich never saw the merit in manufacturing public consent. the americans are religiously obsessed with that.
RT @rmnary94
@RobertSkvarla people hear MK ultra and think oh cia controlled puppets? yeah right. but gottlieb stopped caring about mind control eventually. it was about discrediting, humili…

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