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RT @PrestonPysh
Let's not forget to adjust that consolidated global chart and account for dollar debasement (M2 money supply growth). Oh, here's THAT chart.

up...6.9%.....Since the 2009 bottom - 12 years ago.

So what's the point?

RT @PrestonPysh
Remember it's not about nominal fiat gains. It's about protection and growing buying power. If there's one thing I'm confident of, it is this: the manipulative actions of central banks will continue to accelerate and fiat debasement will keep getting worse. Plan accordingly.

you can oli-gobble down their balls, ‘cause you’re paying for it
RT @cmuratori
It's about to turn 2022 and Google Maps still cannot add more than 10 groups for your icons, even if you are a Google Workspace customer.

RT @dystopiabreaker
the idea of self organization, complex emergent order, etc, is heretical to those who have spent their entire lives embedded in and envisioning powerful permissioned managerial structures, where everything requires approval

basically the question is this:

if i am willing to sacrifice speed at the nanometer level, what memory technology could be as power efficient as SRAM yet as cheap as DRAM?

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yes i am generally aware that all things considered DRAM is power efficient, but i am looking for the *categorical* kind of power efficiency that simply lies outside its reach, with refresh logic.

like the RAM equivalent of a CPU without an MMU or speculative execution stuff.

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wondering about if a certain type of memory technology exists, on a trifecta i just made up: fab cost, power efficiency, and performance (speed)

2 out of 3:
power efficiency + performance = SRAM
fab cost + performance = DRAM
fab cost + power efficiency = ?

RT @quantian1
(As an aside, you may ask: Why is this the default color scheme? As everyone knows, Mathematica's design choices were handed down by Allah to Stephen Wolfram and contains no errors. In this case, the default orange/blue shading is visually distinct for all colorblind individuals)

RT @quantian1
Student loan debt in America: the angle is proportional to the number of people with debt in that range, the area is proportional to the total value of debt in that range. The top 10% of borrowers have half the debt, a Gini coefficient of 62%.

RT @rword4congress
The moment I'm asked to competently handle the simplest task while earning an hourly wage

RT @EricRichards22
I see sentiments like this, and I have to remember that a substantial portion of software engineers, especially front-end, are using absolutely shit tools, so the smallest approach towards bog-standard IDE features is miraculous to them.

Yeah it really sucks how you guys only started caring about that 5 minutes ago.

Unfortunately on that kind of notice, religious rituals is the best I can do for you.
RT @jenny_schuetz
Paper straws and reusable grocery bags can’t begin to compensate for the environmental harms of bad land use.

RT @PonchoRebound
It's only one minute long, but this CCTV footage has a better narrative and more compelling character arcs than most of the arthouse films I've seen:

We’re removing crime data to make more money, and telling you a sob story about black people to cover up for it
RT @pslohmann
Redfin and Realtor dot com both removed crime data from their overlays/search results when looking for housing. Reddit post summary here:

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a Schelling point for those who seek one