also about "fairness": you know when fouls happen in sports and each player will do whatever they can to get the outcome that benefits them
this is you, trying to be "fair". players don't get to talk about fair, the ref's word is final and the ref is Fate
hmm same thing
RT @jenlky
@visakanv it also feels like the people he's talking about have a sense of parochial entitlement as if intelligence is the sole determinant of life outcome, failing which it's a double slap on their face...
RT @whomademecrispy
@DistractedAnna gossip is what people do, but shitting on gossip is also what people do
waaa this isnt what they taught me at the beginners tutorial waaa pvp is hard
RT @amirism_
when one talks about "education" this is commonly about teaching the rules in the beginner's tutorial, not the meta
incidentally this is why it is *losers* who are most likely to talk openly about the metagame, because they have less to lose, or even no longer playing