Lots of amateur worldbuilders complain about crystals being used to make the technomagic or sci-fi tech work.
My brothers in creativity, what do you think makes all our modern real-life technology work?
@nyrath Yeah. But that’s only because we can’t make and etch super-pure semiconductor crystals well enough to make a bazillion-core massively-parallel processor block.
(Still not quartz, though.)
@cerebrate crystals of intricate madness
@gsuberland Best kind!
@cerebrate Stephen Hunt's writing is beautifully ambiguous about this. Is it technology, or is it magic? Or are they somehow one and the same?
Damn. Stephen Hunt.
Not seen that name for a while.
The Jackelian series was wild.
@FenTiger Hm. Don't think I've read his books, so thanks for the pointer!
@cerebrate I mean, reality is even weirder tbh
We put crystals in our food ffs :D:D:DD
@cerebrate WD40, gaffer tape, and hot glue.
Very small crystals
@cerebrate Doesn’t mean the New Age shop claiming labradorite can protect you from “negativity” has anything close to a point
@coyoty Nice.
In the 'verse, I postulate storing data in memory diamond using ¹²C/¹³C bit representation, which lasers can then read out based on the slight difference in electron energy levels between the isotopes.
Yeah, but real world crystal magic look more like individual microscopic pieces of glitter, as opposed to giant glowing quartz crystals.