@enkiv2 Technology Connections is in a weird zone where a delightful bit of content attracts the most peevish, uncharitable audience imaginable. Tech conversations like this that makes me halfway Luddite.
I had a week of completely dead productivity and writer's block. So then I decided to say "fuck it" and go back in on my caffeine-based strategy and IT IS WORKING.
Aesthetic experience is the sign-vehicle waving around in the breeze, all flaunty and sanguine in its rhematic firstness.
I'm sick of hearing slander against kicking the can down the road. Sometimes that is the very best solution. The road is long and the can can be kicked an indefinite number of times.
Brushing your teeth is kicking the can down the road.
Going to bed on time is kicking the can down the road.
Paying your bills is kicking the can down the road.
Nowhere is it written that there is always going to be an elegant, perfect solution, a sliceable gordian knot that holds together all of our ills.
@enkiv2 Vibes are the nouminous and proofs are nomological!
Humanist interested in the consequences of the machine on intellectual history.