@futurebird Personally I think of Lin Manuel Miranda as on track to becoming the next generation LeVar Burton: someone who started off in the pose of a hot young truth-teller about American history but who quickly finds his most enduring contributions in children's media.
What I'm saying is that continental political philosophers are the try-hard salutatorians and American liberals are the drunk jocks who have capriciously torn global history from millennia of imperialist philosophy.
The American liberal, who has recently come back from a brutal campaign destroying the government that had been understood as the most powerful in the world, wrote a new definition of universal human rights on the back of a cocktail napkin and in the same evening proceeded to hire a prostitute in a racist manner (???) and passed out from a bunch of old-timey drugs.
On this note, I was looking up the news from July 13, 1946. I found this really touching remembrance that WEB Du Bois wrote for a friend of his. It's a pretty amazing little wormhole. You'll be glad you read it.
@futurebird I am a creature. My existence as a creature indicates my creation. My life is contingent in a contingent world, not in a bestiary (which indicates a fundamental distinction between domestic and rustic) or in a world of animacies (which indicates a fundamental distinction between essence and existence).
@tootkoTootarov The Saul Goodman temerity of it.
Humanist interested in the consequences of the machine on intellectual history.