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What is the word for this stance towards auto-interpretation? It's got something to do with a suspicion of profilicity.

Show thread Love it. The only thing worse than the naive materialism that gets slopped around elite discourse is the flimsy denial of the same naive materialism.

observation: if you assume every group chat has been compromised by the feds (which you probably should), the only thing you can protect is your identity
which arguably irc over tor is better at than most encrypted chat protocols lmao

I woke up and thought "I'd like to see Tokyo before IT happens" and I don't have a specific idea of what I meant by "it."

Sometimes you'll notice that people will subvert the intended organization of a place of commerce to create a space for reception. For example, even in crowded bookstores people will collectively shape little wedges to stand apart and take in something, or generate little wedges on which readers might perch themselves.

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So for example, a drive-through is kind of like a funhouse mirror of a third space. Drive-throughs serve the same explicit purposes as many third spaces, but because they don't permit for the patient, appreciative reception of the good or service, they do not support any form of culture.
Drive-ins are marginally closer, but not by much, because the space of reception at a drive-in is insulated from the audience by the layer of another space for reception, the car.

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One of the most important patterns in third places is that the third place must define and delimit the zone of the activity that is the purported purpose of that space. There must be a place to serve drinks / lift weights / browse books as well as a space to *not* do those things.

Activity can be constituted in such a way that it anticipates its reception, and a functional space can be constituted in such a way that it organizes the space to receive that function.

If I'm honest, Tyler the Creator is on my shortlist of "the only musicians who matter anymore."

The medicine man sees through you. Your conscious experience of your attention, judgments, desires is false, and only the medicine man's judgment of you is true. Your behavior is false, and only the medicine man's choices for your behavior are true. In your most deliberate, driven moments you are most lost.

You are an abandoned puppet in need of a puppeteer, and although you are incapable of choosing one for yourself (you poor puppet), the medicine man will graciously puppet you.

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Paper was invented roughly around the year 100 in the Common Era.
By the year 800 (700 years later), Harun al-Rashid was leveraging the import of the Chinese technology of paper to Baghdad. By the year 1440 (640 years later) Gutenberg was using it.

Now in the year 2023 (583 years later) I have an e-ink display that imitates its functions, its dynamic responsiveness to ink, its folio format, etc.

"A trace of the true self exists in the false self," as the meme says.

@TechConnectify Honest to goodness, my local morning radio show featured a discussion of whether motorists should eat foods with utensils while driving (poke bowls!).

US Americans are really, really into distracted driving, and it's not just phones anymore. Although any fair observer would admit that smartphones led to a breakthrough increase in distraction, we are now facing a 360-degree wraparound culture that produces products and justifications to enable in-car distractions.

This is the ideal cityscape. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

This shit is better than the Tarot. Ask it a question, burn a click, then click three times to get your answer.

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Reminder that when you click on <> like 3-4 times you are creating a sequence out of otherwise unrelated symbols -- a sequence that probably has probably never been linked before, has never before had a way to become linked, and a sequence that will probably never come around again for anyone else unless you either communicate it or otherwise if things get very zesty in the future of informational technology.

The medicine man will fix it. The medicine man will make it all better. The medicine man can see who you really are inside. The medicine man can judge what true fairness is. The medicine man can arrive at complete conclusions from incomplete information. The medicine man can utter the holy words that turn calves into cows and grey into silver.

Everyone should listen to the medicine man. Listening to the medicine man makes you a good person, and not listening makes you a bad person.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one