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Nightmare scenario for speculative fiction: the entire electrical grid goes down in the US for over a year due to an overlap between two mid-level climate catastrophes and political disaster. Inequalities drive a breakdown in the monopoly of violence. One organized faction of end-gamers starts a tactical nuclear exchange. This unlocks a new level of runaway climate processes, driving global conditions out of the zone for surface habitation.The light of consciousness goes out in the universe.

It is likely that Rick and Morty's iconography will arrive on Mars before any human alive today.

You must consume so many books that you fuck up the averages.

I HATE this new Silicon Valley design trend: someone redesigned all of my favorite websites with a fixed background that includes the image of a single large hair in the middle of each background.

Today by chance I happened on a copy of Niklas Luhman's "Essays on Self-Reference" so we're probably going to get some more content along these lines.

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man on lime green motorcycle
driving through downtown
blasting Black Eyed Peas' "Where is the Love"

If I were constructing a system I would simply define each element, relationship, and process with rigor.

The great irony, of course, is that Britain is the prison island.

Honestly the coalition with the best odds of renegotiating the 40hr workweek is that of working parents with kids in formal schools. There's a lot of discontent out there about the wild incompatibility of school hours with industrial work schedules, and unlike the dog-walkers of the world these people actually show up and make changes.

Everyone online is doing a delusional Qanon-like larp, but some people get the MAGA flavor and some people get the eco-terrorist flavor and so on and so on. The more you identify with this shit, the more thrill you're going to get out of this distributed ARG where you get to pretend like you & yours are these great heroes on the world-historical stage. Choose this one and you get to be a saintly voice of compassion. Choose this and you get to stomp on a human face forever.

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Incidentally, if you understand this stuff as emerging from feedback between a marketer's demographic panel and a million consumers pressing buttons, then you can understand why the whole complex of contemporary demographics, ideology, and society is so absurdly inchoate. No particular individual has to have even an inkling of a big picture. It's just a heuristic sketch for organizing ad service. It might get replaced by a better sketch by a better advertiser.

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I realize that this is very Gen X style cultural commentary and I assure you I have fresher material. But I think it's worth observing where I think the postindustrial world receives its panoply of social ills.

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You're here, you're online, to feed data to the marketers. That's it. That's what all of this is for.

Your sense of self, your sense of direction, and your sense of community have more to do with a database on AWS than they have to do with your neighborhood, or your soil, or your wellness.

They'd invent a third world war if it meant that they could get you to buy more novelty socks through the referral link.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one