Q3. How might we punish the wicked and redeem the upright?
A3. Thou shalt not intervene. Thou shalt not rely on thy own moral judgments. Thou art a speck on the eyelash of a pest of infinitesimally small insight. Thou must surrender to the larger workings of the automatic universal law.
Q4. I suffer pain and terror in my innermost feelings. Wherefrom is this?
A4. You are not wicked. You are actually good. What you lack are the inner formulations by which you can transmute your pain into pleasure
The spirit of the age:
Q1. Who am I? Why am I here?
A1. You are who you are, and you are where you are, because you have caused yourself.
Q2. Why do the upright suffer and the wicked flourish?
A2. The upright do not truly suffer and the wicked do not truly flourish. We must infer from glimpses the universal justice that transcends most appearances: that the rewards to the upright will be revealed to their inmost hearts, and the punishment of the wicked will be revealed to them.
The great emplotment of the 2020s, the rational relation to which all narratives appeal, is a romantic one: it is the great hope of FAFO, of karma. It is the hope that inputs match outputs, or that rules are reconciled to results. We keenly hope that reaping corresponds with sowing.
We hope perhaps more keenly than other ages because we have the unique position of renouncing both compulsion and dependence. We've renounced both our own agency to impose consequences and our own severe contingency
A beginner will be very sensitive about one's face-holes due to the demands of actively managing breathing.
To simplify this problem, it's best to wear earplugs and tight goggles. They are worth it because this drastically reduces the total number of face-holes to actively manage.
As a side benefit, this also simplifies the required head-movements and contributes to mu-feathering.
I've been swimming short intervals 2-3 times a week for about three months and I feel like this last weekend I finally broke through to some second level.
I have really appreciated this advice all along, and I've just been musing to myself about "feathering for mu" as I've been watching the pool tiles glide past.
With the benefit of experience, I would add maybe one thing to your first-order prescriptions...
@enkiv2 I think it's both/and. The Freudo-Lacanian term is "uncastrated other." We dream of an undeceived other, one who exists without any internal tension, who simply acts. This includes both erotic simplicity (look at him! his attraction is immediate and direct!) and political simplicity (propaganda of the deed, etc.).
I think that Trump served a similar role for his people.
Fundamentally I think it's caused by living in such a hall-of-mirrors, constantly re-interpreting everything.
I love English. It's a trash fire disguised as a language and I'm here for all of it. However, I really need to be better about people not speaking it "correctly." It's a goddamn trash fire. Of course people don't speak it correctly. I'm pretty sure there's no correct way to speak it. And that's leaving out all the racism and classism which goes into "grammatical perfection."
English isn't Latin. It's a glorious clusterfuck of stolen parts bolted onto a bastard chassis and powered entirely by the burning of dictionaries. There is no way that it should be the lingua franca of international affairs, and yet it is. Speak it any way you want. English doesn't give a fuck. English will take your error and turn it into a part of itself. English drinks prescriptivist tears like fine wine. Contribute to the delinquency of English any way you can.
Condensed pragmatism:
The gimmick is to treat life as composed of gimmicks.
Thinking is a gimmick.
Beauty is a gimmick.
Justice is a gimmick.
Sometimes the gimmicks win through, yet often they don't.
Some gimmicks are simple, and some are made out of other gimmicks.
There may be other gimmicks that work better than the gimmicks we have now.
The oldest artifacts that might be beds are about 200k years old. The earliest representational narrative cave art might be about 50k years old.The oldest evidence of ploughing is roughly 5k years old. The photo in this post was taken roughly 5k years after ploughing started. And this photo at this link was taken 78 years after that: <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Himawari-8_true-color_2015-01-25_0230Z.png>.
The first ones had hair for the cold and shady trees for the heat. They killed their prey by chasing them and then ate the raw flesh.
The in-between ones had no hair and were sheltered by caves. Their dogs chased the prey and they cooked their meat. They knew enemies and hierarchy. They learned of the magic of signs.
The recent ones grew small and lived in homes. They cooked their food in pots and pans. They traded for iron. They learned to gamble.
We know our names and can number our ancestors.
It would probably be something on the order of 10s of millions of years if humans don't do a bunch of gene editing and habitat restoration.
Incidentally I feel like this kind of Alcibiades character should have been the Peter Wiggins backstory: that he was a really gifted kid in a brainy family, a childhood without struggle messed up his prudence, and his conflicts with resentful people gave him a shit dynamic with most of humanity.
If this were the case, though, then the torturous treatment of Ender would be justified by his family history. And it's hard to see how Valentine works in this.
Humanist interested in the consequences of the machine on intellectual history.